
Adobe flash player has been released as version 2.10 beta with some significant features and enhancements! While Flash Player 10.1 is a great improvement over the flash player 10 for supported mobile OS platforms like android, adobe flash player 2.10 increase further with some smart features and enhancements!

Free Download Flash Player 10.2

While flash player 10.2 beta is primarily for developers, to test the new features and enhancements, other than testing the compatibility of their exisiting apps, you can download the beta to test it yourselves and provide your feedback to adobe!

Download Flash Player 10.2

But do keep in mind this is just a pre-release and not the final one yet. You can also try this cool swf player, an all-in-one flash manager!


Have you ever try Dock Menu in computer Macintosh? Or you have been looked it? If not yet no problem, such as the image below example layout of icon Dock Menu. Dock menu such as in computer MAC will show icon effect with (Aquos) style, we will see the size change when the mouse goes to that menu. is one of sites that provide open source to Css Dock Menu. From all example of coding Dock Menu the easiest from this service is practice it. For sample of layout you can see here. Actually in this sites have already learned as short the tutorial. But it will be better if I explain more.

Follow the step to installing Dock menu : :

1. Download first file CSS dock menu zip package.

2. Then Unzip that file first.

3. At folder JS there 2 file JavaScript (interface.js and jquery.js) and at folder images you will found image file, please upload all file to each host directory (I save the file at, If finish please open more folder css-dock-menu, repeat more such as the step before by upload file and style.css

4. Until here upload process finish, the next step how to installing in blogger

How to embedded on blogger:

1. Enter to Edit HTML menu, search code <head> and put this script under that one:

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

For pink color above please satisfied it based on each path directory.

2. Still at Edit HTML page, search code </body> then put this file on code </body> such as below:

<script type="text/javascript">
maxWidth: 50,
items: 'a',
itemsText: 'span',
container: '.dock-container',
itemWidth: 40,
proximity: 90,
halign : 'center'


The last step just installing process menu. This Dock menu can you put at wherever area , can in blogger page element or edit HTML page. To make it easy you ca install it this example code below.

<div class="dock" id="dock">
<div class="dock-container">
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img src="" alt="home" /><span>Home</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img src="" alt="contact" /><span>Contact</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img src="" alt="portfolio" /><span>Portfolio</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img src="" alt="music" /><span>Music</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img src="" alt="video" /><span>Video</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img src="" alt="history" /><span>History</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img src="" alt="calendar" /><span>Calendar</span></a>
<a class="dock-item" href=""><img src="" alt="rss" /><span>RSS</span></a>

Red color above is goal link pink color above please makes it suitable with each path directory.

For professional programming of course will easier, you can change by yours code css and JavaScript or that image based on your need. Because this tutorial for new user so I explain whatever there. Please improve by yours okay. Thanks (

Who often visited my blog, of course you're not strange with Horizontal Navigation Menu. Well, our tutor will try to make Navigation Menu that actually lend one of the widget from blogger standard. With a little touch on CSS, widget Linklist which at first most used as blogroll with verticalway that will be modified become Navigation Menu Horizontaly. Well guys, than I talks anything not clear, Let's go to the methode to make it.Okay:)

First, go to Edit HTML page, then copy-paste all of CSS code below, and put that code above code ]]></b:skin>

/*-- (Menu/Nav) --*/
#nav{background:#222; height:32px; padding:4px 0 0; margin-bottom:0px}
#nav-left{float:left; display:inline; width:600px}
#nav-right{float:right; display:inline; width:100px}
#nav ul{position:relative; overflow:hidden; padding-left:0px; margin:0; font:1.0em Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif}
#nav ul li{float:left; list-style:none}
#nav ul li a, #nav ul li a:visited{display:block; color:#fff; margin:0 5px; padding:5px 4px; text-decoration:none}
#nav ul li a:hover{color:#800000; background-color:#fff; margin:0 5px; padding:5px 4px}
#nav ul li a.current, #nav ul li a.current:visited, #nav ul li a.current:hover{margin:0 8px; background-color:#fff; color:#fff; padding:5px 7px}

/*-- (Search) --*/
#search{background:#f9f9f9 url( 6px 2px no-repeat; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft:10px;
-moz-border-radius-topright:10px; border:1px solid #b3b3b3; float:right; height:25px; margin:0 0px 0 0; width:180px}
* html #search{margin-right:8px}
#search input{font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; background:transparent; border:0; color:#555; float:left; font-size:12px; margin:5px 0 0; padding:0px 2px 2px 27px; width:140px}

Still on Edit HTML page, that search code  <div id='outer-wrapper'><div id='wrap2'> usually the position of this code is under HTML tag <body> then copy-paste all of the code below, and put that code under the green at the top.

<div id='nav'>
<b:section class='header-tabs' id='header-tabs' preferred='yes' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='LinkList1' locked='true' title='Top Tabs' type='LinkList'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<b:if cond='data:title'/>
<div id='nav-left'>
<li><a href='/'>Home</a></li>
<b:loop values='data:links' var='link'>
<li><a expr:href=''><></a></li>
<b:widget id='HTML3' locked='true' title='Search' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<div id='nav-right'>
<form expr:action='data:blog.homepageUrl + &quot;search&quot;' id='searchform' method='get' name='searchform'>
<b:if cond='data:title'/>
<div id='search'>
<input class='s' id='s' name='q' onblur='if (this.value == &apos;&apos;) {this.value = &apos;Cari artikel disini&apos;;}' onfocus='if (this.value == &apos;Cari artikel disini&apos;) {this.value = &apos;&apos;;}' type='text' value='Cari artikel disini'/>
<input id='searchsubmit' type='hidden' value='Search'/>

Save and look the result, please. Oh My God, I almost forget. You can adapted the layout and the text body by yours. Okay:)

To add menu, please open more "Page Element " then look at the top there you can look the new widget with the tittle "Top Tabs" Click edit and add what menu do you want to showed. Good Luck:)

I’ve told you before, that removing Navigation Bar Blogger is one of TOS violation. The other solution is, we can use Auto hide Navbar Blogger. Auto hide works is, when the visitor point his mouse to top page, Navbar will appear. Otherwise, if visitor point his mouse down (not in Navbar area), automatically that Navbar will disappear.

How to place it:

Find out body { code in Edit HTML page. Then, insert code below right before body { code:


#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}


Good Luck!

In order to make visitor feel comfortable when searching, actually Navbar Blogger have a search box already. But, sometimes we want to put a search box on your blogger. Our reason is, to put it anywhere we want, of course.

Example of Search box:

Below, the code which you can use:

<form id="searchthis" action="" style="display:inline;" method="get">
<input id="b-query" maxlength="255" name="q" size="20" type="text"/>
<input id="b-searchbtn" value="Search" type="submit"/>

Don’t forget to change the red text with your own blog name!

To change standard search button with icon:

Code which you can use:

Below, the code which you can use:

<form id="searchthis" action="" style="display: inline;" method="get">
<td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" height="16" align="left">
<input id="b-query" maxlength="255" class="textinputsearch" value="" name="q" size="22" type="text"/>
<input id="b-searchbtn" alt="Search" width="18" src="" height="19" align="top" type="image"/>

Don’t forget to change red text above with your own blog name. In order to change the image icon, you can change pink code above with address that stores your image.

Dropdown menu or Pull-down menu is the collection of some data (in the form of text and link) which is shortened to become a single menu. Dropdown menus can be used as you need. Beside it can be used as an alternative Blogroll, you can also use it to make many link addresses to the targeted site. Do you want to know how to make it?

How to make standard dropdown menu


<form name="jump">
<select name="menu" onChange="[].value;" value="GO">
<option value="">Menu1</option>
<option value="">Menu2</option>
<option value="">Menu3</option>


How to make dropdown menu with button

<form name="jump">
<select name="menu">
<option value="">Menu1</option>
<option value="">Menu2</option>
<option value="">Menu3</option>
<input type="button" onClick="[].value;" value="OK">

How to make dropdown menu with picture button

<form name="jump">
function jumpMenu(){[].value;
<select name="menu">
<option value="">Menu1</option>
<option value="">Menu2</option>
<option value="">Menu3</option>
<a href="Javascript:jumpMenu()"><IMG SRC="" border=0></a>

Note: The code which is marked with red color can be replaced as you want.

Making capital letter in the beginning of the sentence can be special. As an example, see the beginning of the sentence which is marked with a big “M” in this article... It looks great! Don’t you think so? If you want your article to appear like that, you can try to make it.

First, open your Edit HTML page, and then search for CSS code below:

.post-body {

If it’s found, add the code below under the code above (Make sure it’s in the under, not in the center)

.post bt {

float:left; color:





padding-right:5px; }

How to use it:

When you write in the posting page, make sure to add <bt></bt> in the beginning of the sentence


<bt>M</bt>aking capital letter in the beginning of the sentence can be special.

Sumber :